Friday, 24 March 2017

Asus X555YA-DB84Q AMD A8 Quad Core 8GB 1TB HDD Radeon R5 DVDRW 15.6" Laptop

Asus X555YA-DB84Q AMD A8 Quad Core 8GB 1TB HDD Radeon R5 DVDRW 15.6" Laptop [amazon-element asin="XXXXXXXXXX" fields="title,lg-image,large-image-link,desc,ListPrice,new-price,button" msg_instock="in Stock" msg_outofstock="no more left!"]Incredible beauty, designed for everyday multitasking and entertainment for smart and practical users, the Asus x-series laptops redefine your expectations of all-rounder notebook. With a premium finish, the x-series adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to everyday computing. It features a slim chassis but still houses a large touch pad with intuitive Multi-Point smart gesture input, multiple USB 3.0 ports for fast data transfer and IceCool technology to keep your palm rests cool. Incredible performance, Value-packed with all the essentials, the x-series reinvents your daily computing experience. Whether you are using it for work or for fun, this is an ideal machine for both productive computing and entertainment. It features an Intel Pentium processor, instant on that resumes your computer from sleep mode in 2 seconds and USB 3.0 for 10 times faster data transfer speed. Asus x-series gives you everything you need for a truly satisfying multitasking computing and multimedia experience. Incredible sound, on most notebooks, all sound frequencies originate from small onboard speakers. The resulting audio comes from a single source and lacks distinctiveness. Like other notebooks in the Asus range, the x-series comes equipped with SonicMaster technology and Asus audio wizard to bring you high fidelity audio. Experience omnidirectional sound and hear each individual instrument's nuances with the x-series. Incredible touch, Asus focuses on natural interfaces by developing standards far beyond industry average. This assures Asus provides the most comfortable and responsive experiences in every application and at all times. The x-series has a large touch pad equipped with smart gesture technology for quick and precise response across a wide range of touch inputs. The ergonomic seamless one-piece keyboard is designed to provide you the most comfortable typing experience.

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